We are excited to release our 2024-2025 School Year Calendar. The first day of the 2024-2025 School Year is August 19, 2024.
Updated January 23, 2025
- October Break: Friday, October 11 – Monday, October 14
- Thanksgiving Break: Monday, November 25 – Friday, November 29
- Winter Break: Monday, December 23 – Friday, January 3
- February Break: Monday, February 17 – Friday, February 21
- Spring Break: Monday, April 14 – Friday, April 18
- Summer Break (2025): Thursday, June 19 – Friday, August 15
Note: The start of summer break may shift should we need to extend the year due to snow / inclement weather closures.
Early Dismissal Wednesdays
On WEDNESDAYS throughout the school year, school will dismiss at 1:30 p.m. EDP will be available for all registered students at the elementary school and middle school. Clubs, athletics, and other after school activities may be available at the middle school and high school.
Buildings Close at 4:00 p.m. (No Aftercare for Students)
- Friday, August 30
- Friday, May 23
- Wednesday, June 18 (buildings will close at 2:00 p.m.)
Teacher Professional Development Days
No school for students, EDP will be provided, except when noted
- Friday, September 20
- Friday, October 25
- Friday, December 6
- Friday, January 3 (No EDP)
- Friday, March 7
- Friday, April 4
Family – Teacher Conference Days (Wednesdays, 3:00 – 7:00 p.m.)
Students will have a normal Wednesday school day prior to Family-Teacher Conference Days. EDP will be available for registered students at the elementary and middle schools.
- September 25
- December 11
- March 12
- Labor Day: September 2
- Indigenous Peoples’ Day: October 14
- Veterans Day: November 11
- Thanksgiving Day: November 28
- Christmas Day: December 25
- New Year’s Day: January 1
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and Inauguration Day: January 20
- Presidents’ Day: February 17
- Emancipation Day: April 16
- Memorial Day: May 26
- Juneteenth: June 19
- Independence Day: July 3 – 4
Virtual Learning Day
As shared with families on Friday, November 22, Tuesday, January 21, 2025, was updated to a situational distance learning day.
Last Day of School
The last day of school for students for the 2024-25 School Year is currently scheduled for Wednesday, June 18, 2025. There is NO aftercare available on the last day of school and buildings will close at 2:00 p.m. We have one additional day held for snow day on June 20, 2025. If this day is required to make up instruction, we will provide updates to staff and families, as needed.
Summer Programming (2025) – Tentative
June 23 – July 18
A Note About Our Three Year Calendar
On March 1, 2023, E.L. Haynes released a three-year calendar outlining our academic calendars through summer 2026. We understand that we may need to make changes to some details of the calendars annually. We will communicate with staff and families by March 1 of the prior school year if we need to make any changes.
SY 2024-25 Calendar Snapshot for Staff
Staff can see all relevant school dates (e.g., closures, PD Days, quarter start and end dates) via the SY2024-25 Calendar Snapshot for Staff.