Internet and Technology Acceptable Use Policy | E.L. Haynes Public Charter School
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Internet and Technology Acceptable Use Policy


E.L. Haynes Public Charter School (ELH) provides students and staff access to computers and high speed data networks for the sole purpose of educational / instructional enrichment. Students are encouraged to become proficient in the use of computers as a means of enhancing their educational experience. The school provides a high-speed link to the Internet for academic use only. The school maintains a content filter to block controversial and / or explicit material from being accessed by students. However, widespread student use also necessitates certain rules of computer conduct. Use of computer and Internet resources is a privilege, not a right. Therefore, access to computer and Internet resources may be disabled, suspended or revoked if abused. Students have a responsibility to use the school’s computer resources in an efficient, ethical, and lawful manner. 

Online communication is critical for Millennial Learners to apply 21st Century Skills and employ tools such as interactive websites, blogs, video conferencing, podcasts, etc. which offer authentic opportunities for students to express and share information. To keep students safe and comply with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), the Acceptable Use Guideline is put in place and updated to accommodate for the many education and global changes to date. This Acceptable Use Guideline is written for all those who use school provided Network connections. These connections may be used for classroom blogs, student emails, podcast projects, interactive websites, and any other occasion students, teachers, or community members use school Network space.

The following is a statement of rules and guidelines for the acceptable use of technology and internet access. These are provided to help understand what is acceptable behavior with the use of technology. While these rules and guidelines detail acceptable use of electronic information resources anywhere, these are rules and guidelines under which all members of the E.L. Haynes community (students and staff) will be held accountable.


Students are advised that they enjoy no expectation of privacy in any aspect of their computer use, including email, and that monitoring of student computer use is continuous. Users do not have privacy rights over the content of their school provided computer systems including:

  • Emails and Communications
  • Files and Documents stored on computers or on Google Drive
  • Content stored on tablets and other devices
  • Passwords; Passwords are reset and managed at the discretion of the school and its IT department

Computer Use Policy

Students will maintain proper etiquette when using E.L. Haynes provided technology. In order to ensure all users have reliable and expedient access to educational resources, all students are asked to follow the rules regarding proper use of computer equipment. The following are identified as unauthorized use of school computing equipment.


  • Computer games that are not assigned course work
  • Installation of personal software
  • Entering chat rooms or instant messaging
  • Entering or transmitting of commercial advertisements or solicitations
  • Entering or transmitting of obscene material
  • Sexual harassment or other forms of harassment aimed at others or otherwise threatening others
  • Physically harming or defacing school computer equipment; students will be responsible for any damages to school computer/network hardware and the fair cost of replacing or repairing those devices as outlined in the Student Device Policy.
  • Sharing one’s own computer account with others, using another person’s accounts, or copying, modifying, replacing, or deleting any other user’s files
  • Violation of copyright laws or using or copying software in ways that violate the terms of the license
  • Entering, creating or transmitting computer viruses or any form of intentionally destructive programs
  • Intentional disruption of network services
  • Connecting/Disconnecting any device to the network or computer without permission
  • Modification of existing software used for system/network monitoring and management, or installation/possession of monitoring/management software
  • Printing of materials that have no academic or educational purpose
  • Downloading, transfer and/or storage of computer programs (compressed or uncompressed), executable files, batch files, or command files
  • Storage of personal files that serve no educational purpose
  • Gaining access to unsupervised laboratories
  • Use of computer equipment designated for the use of school staff

Internet Access Policy

In addition to a multitude of computer and mobile device resources, E.L. Haynes provides students access to high-speed Internet for the purposes of educational enrichment and development. E.L. Haynes and its IT department employ network traffic and content filters to block inappropriate access to the internet by all users. Internet access provided to students is not a right, it is a privilege. As such the school reserves the right to revoke or suspend that privilege if it believes that students are abusing this access in any way. 

Acceptable Use 

The purpose of this technology is to foster research and education. The transmission of any material in violation of United States or state regulation is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material, threatening or obscene material, or materials protected by trade secrets.

Rules and Regulations

  • Profanity or obscenity in written communication over the Internet is inappropriate as it is in all areas of school life.
  • Accessing or downloading offensive or sexually explicit material is prohibited, as is behavior that is harassing or antisocial. 
  • Downloading is limited to documents for school use only.
  • The use of gaming, chat room or messaging software is prohibited. 
  • Adhere to copyright laws. Users are expected to respect copyright issues regarding downloading and use of software, retrieval and citing of information and attributing authorship.
  • Use of the Internet for any illegal activities is prohibited. Illegal activities include, but are not limited to: libel, unauthorized entry into computers, or deliberate vandalism or destruction of computer files.
  • Impersonation and anonymity are not permitted. Users must take responsibility for their actions and words.
  • Use of the Internet during instruction is prohibited. The teacher has the right to suspend or commence Internet privileges during their class period.

Google Workspace for Education Acceptable Use

Google Workspace for Education is primarily for educational use. Students may use Google Workspace for Education for personal use subject to the restrictions below and additional school rules and policies that may apply. 


School staff and administrators have access to student email for monitoring purposes. Students should have no expectation of privacy on the Google Workspace for Education system.

Limited personal use – Students may use Google Workspace for Education tools for personal projects but may not use them for:

Access Restriction

Access to Google Workspace for Education is considered a privilege.  The school maintains the right to immediately withdraw access and use of Google Workspace for Education when there is reason to believe that violations of law or school policies have occurred. In accordance with the Use Agreement signed with Google, E.L. Haynes also reserves the right to immediately suspend any user’s account suspected of inappropriate use and violations of use terms provided by Google.  Pending review, a user account may be terminated as part of such action.


User data is considered the property of the student, and therefore are his/her responsibility. While efforts are made to ensure that reasonable security procedures are carried out, the school and its personnel shall not be held liable for damage to, theft of, or loss of, user data by means of procedural error, equipment malfunction, vandalism, natural or man-made disaster, or account suspension/termination due to disciplinary action. With regard to Internet access, E.L. Haynes Public Charter School and its employees make no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied for the service it is providing and will not be responsible for damages to parents, guardians, or students that might incur. This includes loss of data or service interruptions. 

Consequences for Violations

Use of the school’s technology and internet is a privilege. Failure to abide by the terms of this policy will result in the following disciplinary actions:

Willful damage of computer hardware, computer software (including the deletion of programs and/or files) and computer networks will result in the student being responsible for the current repair and replacement cost of the damaged software and/or equipment. Any student violating the terms of this document will receive appropriate disciplinary action, as defined by the terms of this document or the student handbook. Students could lose computer/network privileges, and/or receive detention, suspension or expulsion.

The school and its IT department may close an account at any time as required. The administration, faculty and staff of E.L Haynes Public Charter School may make a request to the Director of Technology or his/her designee to deny, revoke or suspend specific user accounts based upon violations of this policy.

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