Health and Safety Updates Heading Into SY 2021-2022 | E.L. Haynes Public Charter School
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Health and Safety Updates Heading Into SY 2021-2022

E.L. Haynes has done some significant upgrades to our facilities and to our process and procedures to ensure the safety of our staff, students and families during the COVID-19 pandemic. As we welcome all students back on August 30, 2021, for the start of the 2021-2022 School year, here is some additional information regarding those changes and updates.

These policies and procedures were in effect for the 2021 – 2022 School Year.

Air Quality and Filtration

We have invested significant resources in updating and improving our air quality and filtration to exceed industry standards and health and safety recommendations.

  • To improve access to fresh air in our buildings, we flush the HVAC system every morning with new fresh air and open windows and doors when weather allows
  • Our updated HVAC system exceeds industry recommendations, and uses MERV 13 filtration equipment
  • We installed mobile HEPA filter units with UV lights in every classroom, office, and common spaces

Cleaning and Disinfecting Surfaces

Rigorous safety protocols and regular cleanings and sanitization are among the first line of defense in protecting our school communities.

  • Throughout the day, our onsite maintenance teams regularly clean and sanitize all high touch surfaces
  • Deep clean and sanitize our facilities every night. Once per week, they complement these deep cleans with a sanitizing mist and a UV-C light to disinfect surfaces.
  • Installed sanitizing stations at all main entrances, as well as outside large common spaces, hallways, and stairwells
  • Converted water fountains into water bottle filling stations so that common fountains are not used

We will continue to inform our cleaning and safety protocols using guidelines from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the DC Department of Health.

Process and Procedures

To support the health and safety processes of the school, we have adapted certain process and procedures to combat the spread of the COVID-19

  • Arrival Procedures: Families will not be able to enter buildings during drop-off. During the first two weeks of school, Pre-K families and our new elementary school families, will be able to enter the building to ease transitions. For our youngest students, a staff member will meet students at the doors and escort them to their classrooms.
  • Daily Health Screenings: All students and adults who enter the building will have their temperature checked, and they will answer a brief health and travel questionnaire. All students and staff should use the SchoolPass app complete this daily questionnaire. Any individual exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms will not be allowed to enter the buildings.
  • Lunch Procedures: At the elementary school, all lunch periods will take place in classrooms, or outside if possible. At the middle and high schools, lunch will take place in the cafeterias. Desk protectors are available for all students, additional air filtration systems are installed in the cafeteria, and we will opens doors and windows when possible to improve air circulation.
  • Departure Procedures: At the elementary school, dismissal takes place between 3:30 p.m. and 3:45 p.m. Caregivers should pick students up at either the Kansas Avenue doors or the parking lot entrance. Staff will radio up to classrooms to dismiss students who are not participating in after-school programming. At the middle school, we will dismiss students by floor to ease the transition of students out of the building. At the high school, we will stagger dismissal.
  • Testing Procedure: At E.L. Haynes, students will participate in COVID-19 in asymptomatic and symptomatic testing. Test results will be shared with the school and parents. Parents / Guardians should contact their campus’ front desk team if they do not want their student(s) participating in the testing program. 

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