High School Back-to-School Information | E.L. Haynes Public Charter School
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High School Back-to-School Information

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A Note from Principal Emily Hueber Stoetzer:

Dear High School Student and Families, 

We are looking forward to welcoming students back on Monday, August 19th!

For our new families, welcome to E.L. Haynes! For our returning families, welcome back!  hank you for choosing E.L. Haynes for your student. We are excited to partner with you so that we can prepare your child to thrive in college, career, and life. As you prepare for the 2024 – 2025 School Year, I want to share some important information. See below.

This letter has some important information about the upcoming school year, including how we will work together to make sure your child is ready for the start of school.  Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is any additional information I can provide as you prepare for the new school year. I can be reached at ehueber@elhaynes.org

Thank you for being a part of the E.L. Haynes community! We look forward to partnering with you on your students’ learning. Moving forward expect weekly communication and reminders. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly.

Looking forward to a great school year, 

Emily Hueber Stoetzer
High School Principal

Schedules and Upcoming Dates

School Day Hours and Early Dismissal Wednesdays

This year, school hours are 9:00 a.m. – 3:45 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, with early dismissal on Wednesdays. Wednesday school hours are 9:00 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.  The building opens at 8:05 a.m. for students to eat breakfast, attend office hours, and arrive at school on time!

Mark Your Calendars

  • Thursday, August 15th 5:00-7:30pm: 9th Grade Student and Family Orientation
  • Tuesday, September 10th 6:00-7:30pm: 12th Grade Family College Office Meeting
  • Wednesday, September 25th: Quarter 1 Family- Teacher Conferences

Every family engagement session will be facilitated in English with simultaneous Spanish translation. 

Schedule for SY 2024-2025

Our schedule this year is grounded in academic acceleration for all learners supported by rigor, relationships, and relevance.  Student academic schedules are up to date through the Infinite Campus and Canvas portals.  Student schedule changes will only move forward if: You are not in an AP class, foreign language, or elective you selected; You have been enrolled in a course you already completed; You notice your schedule is missing a core class or graduation requirement. 

Additional Back-to-School Information

Health and Immunization Requirements

DC law requires all students to provide up-to-date immunization, health, and dental records, or proof of medical or religious exemption. Visit osse.dc.gov/immunization for additional guidance from the DC Department of Health and the DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education. If you have any questions about your child’s health requirements, contact Health and Wellness Director Melissa Beasley at mbeasley@elhaynes.org.

Download the ParentSquare App

E.L. Haynes uses a family communication system called ParentSquare. This platform helps streamline communications between you and the school, provides automatically translated messages, has Family-Teacher Conference sign-ups, and more. We strongly encourage families and students to download the free app so you can message staff and other families directly. See below for download links.

Register Now for Fall Sports

Registration for Fall sports is now open. Students must complete registration via elhaynes-dc.finalforms.com and submit an up-to-date medical physical form in order to participate. This fall we will offer Cross Country (CoEd), Soccer (Girls, Boys), and Volleyball (Girls).

Student Technology

Students new to E.L. Hayneswill receive their laptops during Orientation.  All returning students have their devices from the end of last school year.  

  1. Students may need to update their devices
  2. Student devices may be lost or damaged over summer.  If so please enter a tech ticket as soon as possible to report devices that may be misplaces, stolen, or otherwise damaged.
  3. Chromebooks are intended for use at school each and every day.  In addition to teacher expectations for Chromebook use, school messages, announcements, calendars and schedules may be accessed using the  Chromebook.  Students must be responsible to bring their Chromebook to all classes, unless specifically advised not to do so by their class teacher, whereupon they must keep the Chromebook in their backpacks.  Students are responsible for bringing completely charged Chromebooks for use each school day.

Students may possess personal electronic devices, such as cell phones and iPads, on Haynes property and at Haynes sponsored activities; however, students may not have cell phones out in class due to the disruption associated with loss of instructional time. All cell phones must be placed in the classroom’s cell phone locker upon entry and not touched until class dismissal. Cell phone lockers will be locked by the teacher during class time. E.L. Haynes assumes no responsibility or liability for loss, theft, or damage to a device or for the unauthorized use of any such device. 

Family Engagement Vision

We believe authentic school-home partnerships grounded in trust and communication equip families and teachers to ensure the success of our students. We believe that when all stakeholders consistently work to cultivate this partnership, students will have the support they need to be kind, work hard and get smart.  We will continue to actively use Parentsquare to regular, ongoing, consistent communication with families. 

  • Relationship building: Relationship building is more important than ever. Our first priority at the beginning of the year remains establishing (and then maintaining) strong, trusting relationships with families.
  • Information Sharing: In this unprecedented time, it’s critical that we are intentional in our communication and ensure that families have all of the information they need from the school to effectively support their students while at home.  Maintaining ongoing proactive communication and productive dialogue. 
  • Support: This is a difficult time for everyone, and families face increased challenges as they try to balance often competing priorities at home. We strive to support each family in the way that they need so they can in turn, support their students. 

You will receive an introductory phone call from your student’s advisor this coming week. Please prioritize connecting with your student’s advisor and sharing your preferred means of communication on an ongoing basis.

Process for Excused Absences 

In order to excuse an absence, the school must receive a note from the family or a doctor. In the case of an absence longer than three days, a doctor’s note is required. Notes must be received within 5 days of the absence. The note must include the date of absence, parent name, student name, and the valid reason for absence and be scanned and emailed to HS-attendance@elhaynes.org.

Valid reasons for absence from school include:

  • Illness of the student or doctor’s appointment;
  • Exclusion due to quarantine, contagious disease, infection, infestation, or other condition requiring separation from other students for medical or health reasons;
  • Illness or other immediate family emergency which requires the presence of the student during school hours;
  • Death in the student’s immediate family;
  • Necessity for a student to attend any judicial proceeding as a party or witness;
  • Observance of religious holy days (see below for additional information);
  • Other absences approved in advance by an administrator upon the written request of a parent/guardian.

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